
Sep 6, 2017


LUYA RC4 available with new admin UI

Finally – with this LUYA release, the new admin UI is available!

It took us almost half a year to develop and integrate the new admin UI. We rewrote all HTML and CSS files on the basis of the Bootstrap 4 framework (which will make it easier for developers to style their own extensions to the LUYA backend). There was also plenty of work involved adapting the AngularJS scripts.

LUYA RC4 Admin

Initially we had planned to release LUYA version 1.0.0 at this time, but the new admin UI brings too many changes, so that we are depending on all LUYA developers to report bugs and missing features. Therefore this is RC4.

What else has been done?

  • You can now arrange placeholders within a grid system in the admin, which means you can reflect your frontend layout using rows and columns.
  • The Composer plugin can now load blocks and bootstrap files from composer.json.
  • Modules can now have custom dashboard objects: simply generate a dashboard object from your admin module (e.g. to display latest news, last logins etc.).
  • New Import and Export helper classes let you conveniently import and export CSV files (other formats to follow).
  • The admin UI now includes a developer toolbar which tracks all requests.
  • New and extended scaffolding commands let you create filters, active windows and cruds easier and with better results.
  • PostgreSQL support was added.
  • Additional ngrest plugins were added, including CheckboxRelationActiveQuery, Sortables and a beautiful Color Wheel.
  • Administration file uploading is now more secure.

We think that with this release – which encompasses over 700 commits! – we have taken LUYA a big step forward towards the goal of being one of the most versatile and easy-to-use content management systems and web application toolboxes in the Yii and PHP universes.

Let us know about your LUYA projects! We will happily feature them on the website. For ways to contact us, see below.

We are looking for people who like to translate the administration area to other languages – please drop us a message on Twitter, Gitter, Slack or create an issue on github!

Please check the full Changelog and the Upgrading Guide where you will find a list of all breaking changes.

If you have any problems or questions regarding the upgrade process, don't hesitate to create an issue on GitHub.

5 September 2017
LUYA developer team

Sep 4, 2017


Debug extension version 2.0.10 released

Yii team released debug extension version 2.0.10 greatly improving stability of error handling and adding enhancements.

Aug 31, 2017


Yii development notes #13

Thirteenth issue of Yii development notes was published. This time there's a good progress on both Yii 2.0 and 2.1, some updates to new Yii website, YiiPowered and a new article by Alexander Makarov.

Aug 20, 2017


YiiConf Indonesia 2017

August 26, 2017 YiiConf Indonesia will be held at Jakarta.

Venue is Mozilla Community Space, Gedung Tifa, Annex Suite JI. Kuningan Barat I No. 26, Mampang Prapatan, South of Jakarta.

Conference will open at 15:30 and finish at 19:00.

Aug 19, 2017


yii2-gentelella 1.3.0 released

An update to admin template for Yii 2 based on Gentelella was released:

  • Enh #25: Implemented another algorithm of sidebar state keeping (mohdqasim98)
  • Enh #23: Added an ability to add custom buttons in Panel widget (SamMousa)
  • Enh #20: Added an ability to make an active menu item via active attribute (fps01)
  • Enh #22: Created Accordion widget (fps01)
  • Fix #17: Fixed source paths for bower (MKiselev)
  • Fix #15: Fixed an error "Jquery Error progressbar is not a function" (fps01)
  • Fix #13: Make FlashAlert widget array compatible (al.gushchin)

P.S. Check file.

Aug 4, 2017


SwiftMailer extension 2.1.0 released

Yii team released SwiftMailer extension version 2.1.0 which uses latest version of SwiftMailer — 6.x.

Aug 2, 2017


Yii development notes #12

Issue 12 of Yii development notes is out: queue extension is official now, tests are green again, 7.2 compatibility achieved. There is progress on 2.1 and new website. More interesting stuff happened.

Jul 17, 2017


Yii 2 Queue Extension released

Yii team officially adopted high quality queue extension made and maintained by Roman Zhuravlev.

Jul 15, 2017


Yii development notes #11

Another issue of Yii development notes is out. Latest news from Yii development and interesting materials are waiting for you.

Jul 10, 2017


Yii 2.0 JS UrlManager

An extension provides a way to create URLs in JavaScript code using framework URL manager rules.