
Apr 23, 2019


Yii 2.0.18

Yii Framework version 2.0.18 was released. It fixes some bugs. No known changes that could affect existing applications were made.

A complete list of changes can be found in the CHANGELOG.

Apr 16, 2019


Shorter release interval and first release day extensions

Since OpenCollective campaign is almost there allowing one core team member focusing on the project, Yii team are ready to start tagging releases more. From now on every Tuesday is "release day" and overall policy is the following:

  • Extension releases are tagged every week if there are changes since last release.
  • Main framework package release is tagged about once a month if there are changes since last release.

First release day brought us following releases:

Apr 12, 2019


Apr 12, 2019


Yii2 extension support implementing multi factor authenticate

An extension support implementing multi factor authenticate base on Spomky-Labs/otphp wrapper for Yii2 user component.

Apr 2, 2019



PHP 8 JIT FAQ. Interesting read for everyone who cares about PHP future.

Apr 2, 2019


Yii 1.1.21 is released

This release includes a few PHP 7 compatibility fixes and security improvements.

Mar 30, 2019


Storing UTC is not a silver bullet

An interesting blog post about the case when storing date and time in the timezone it originates from is a better idea than converting it to UTC or unix timestamp.

Mar 30, 2019


Debug extension 2.1.1 released

Yii team released Debug extension version 2.1.1.

This version fixes some bugs including accessibility ones and adds multiple enhancements:

  • The toolbar is now resizeable. Default height could be set in the configuration.
  • Module pageTitle property added. It allows setting page title to be used.
  • The color contrast of the toolbar was improved.

See the CHANGELOG for details.

Mar 29, 2019


Yii development notes #27

Fresh issue of Yii development notes is out:

  • OpenCollective and Patreon
  • Official way to support Yii by funding it
  • Yii 2.0 extension releases
  • Yii 3.0
  • Processes
  • PSR-12

Mar 29, 2019


Preparing Yii for the long run

Yii team launched OpenCollective page introducing an ability to support Yii with donations.