
Jul 16, 2019


Yii 2.0.23 release and Yii 3 progress

Yii 2.0.23 was released and there is some interesting info about Yii 3 published at OpenCollective page.

Jul 10, 2019


Yii 3 got error handler

A handler from Yii 2 was ported over and adjusted. The forum post lists cool features it supports:

  • It converts warnings, notices etc. to exceptions as it was in Yii 2
  • It handles fatals such as parsing errors
  • It handles out of memory
  • Of course, it handles normal exceptions
  • If request context is available, it gives info about request. The format is ready to copy-paste to PhpStorm editor-based HTTP client
  • It logs

Jul 10, 2019


How to do identity impersonation with Yii 2

Srdjan Drakul from 2amigos explains how to do identity impersonation with Yii 2 i.e. log in as another user.

Jul 2, 2019


Yii 2.0.22, extension releases and Yii 3 progress

  • Yii 2.0.22
  • Sphinx 2.0.12
  • Auth Client 2.2.4
  • Bootstrap 4 2.0.5

And more information about Yii 3.

Jun 18, 2019


Yii 2.0.21

New framework version released. Besides fixing some bugs it enhances database connection performance and adding sameSite option to make cookies more secure.

Jun 17, 2019


Fresh Yii and extension manuals in various formats


  • Updated according to: 2.0.20
  • Bootstrap 4 => 2.0.4
  • Imagine => 2.2.0
  • Auth Client => 2.2.3
  • Debug => 2.1.5
  • Queue => 2.2.1
  • HTTP client => 2.0.11

Jun 12, 2019


Community extension collective

Let’s try to get the best and most active Yii extension builders together and create a community effort to build and maintain an extensive collection of long-term supported, best-practice coded, well-documented, well-tested, multi-lingual, feature-rich Yii 3 extensions.

Join the discussion about community maintained extensions for Yii 3.x - Feedback and ideas are greatly appreciated!

Jun 12, 2019


Yii2 integration for Sentry

Yii2 component for sending logs to Sentry. Uses Sentry PHP SDK v2.

View package on or visit it's repo on

Jun 11, 2019


Bootstrap 4 extension version 2.0.4 released

In this release two bugs were fixed.

Jun 4, 2019


Yii 2.0.20 and extensions

Yii 2.0.20 fixing some bugs was tagged. Additionally, the following extensions were released: