
Sep 20, 2019


Mercure publisher for Yii 2

Yii 2 component for publishing updates to Mercure hub has been released.

Mercure is a protocol allowing to push data updates to web browsers and other HTTP clients in a convenient, fast, reliable and battery-efficient way. It is especially useful to publish real-time updates of resources served through web APIs, to reactive web and mobile apps.

Read more about Mercure at

Sep 18, 2019


Yii 2.0.27, Debug 2.1.9 and Yii 3 progress

Yii 2 releases and interesting information about the next Yii.

Sep 3, 2019


Yii 2.0.26 and Yii 3 progress

Yii 2.0.26 was releasing fixing some bugs. Update should apply seamlessly.

Yii 3 got progress with data abstraction, files helper and unit testing web package middleware.

Aug 21, 2019


apidoc, debug and Yii 3 progress

This week Yii team released two extensions and made some progress with Yii 3.

There is a bonus-article about Yii 2 in there.

Aug 21, 2019


Fresh Yii and extension manuals in various formats


  • Updated according to: 2.0.25
  • Bootstrap 4 => 2.0.7
  • Gii => 2.1.1
  • Debug => 2.1.7
  • Auth Client => 2.2.4
  • Sphinx => 2.0.12

Aug 13, 2019


Yii 2.0.25, extensions, Yii 3 progress

Recent release Tuesday summary was posted with some details about Yii 3 progress and, of course, Yii 2 releases.

Aug 9, 2019



yii2-vueapp is a Vue.js helper for create Vue app in Yii 2 without webpack or similar.

All assets (JavaScript, CSS and templates) are injected directly into HTML. The extension provides functionality to split the code (JavaScript, CSS and templates) and to load parameters from HTML root element.

Aug 6, 2019


Minifying and Modularizing Assets in Yii2

Aleksandar Panic from 2amigos on configuring assets.

Jul 30, 2019


Yii 2.0.24, Debug 2.1.7 and Yii 3 progress

Yii 2.0.24 and debug extension 2.1.7 were released. yiisoft/json was extracted and polished.

Jul 24, 2019


Bootstrap 4, Debug, Yii 2 and Yii 3 progress

  • Bootstrap 4 and Debug extensions released
  • Yii 2 release next week
  • Yii 3 is moving forward