
Jul 18, 2020


Yii 2 REST API Project Template

Yii 2 REST API Project Template is a skeleton Yii 2 application best for rapidly creating small rest api projects.

Jul 8, 2020


Yii news 2020, issue 5

Fifth issue of Yii development news features both Yii 2 and Yii 3 updates. Also, exciting news about Yii team.

Jun 17, 2020


Yii2 & Doctrine ORM simple integration

We started digging into Yii2 documentation trying to find the most simple way to integrate both of them. And this is what we achieved.

The article is about using Doctrine with Yii leveraging Yii's DI container.

Jun 14, 2020


Fresh Yii and extension manuals in various formats


  • Updated according to: 2.0.35
  • ElasticSearch => 2.0.7
  • Shell => 2.0.4
  • Gii => 2.2.1
  • Redis => 2.0.13
  • Twig => 2.4.0

Download here

May 31, 2020


Vue.js in legacy Yii app

Fabrizio Caldarelli created a small widget to embed Vue.js power to a legacy app, allowing to continue using framework provided tool (ActionForm, ActionField, etc…) and take advantages of Vue.js in complex views (form especially).

The goal was to handle complex views / forms with more confortable tools as Vue.js (instead Pjax) without passing through webpack, other development environment and working directly on js code, but keeping js, css and html vue app code separately.

May 3, 2020


Yii news 2020, issue 4

Another issue with details on Yii 3 development and current Yii 2 releases. Some reading links are there as well.

Apr 28, 2020


Yii2 PHP Framework - Full Course (Build a YouTube Clone)

Zura Sekhniashvili posted seven hour long screencast/tutorial on channel where he builds a simple YouTube clone with Yii 2.

Apr 27, 2020


Interview with Makarov about Yii Framework 3

Kilderson Sena took a short interview about Yii 3 from one of the core developers.

Apr 17, 2020


Composer 2: What's new and changed

New Composer verison is around the corner. The article sums up enhancements and changes.

Yii team is getting ready updating plugins so everything should work well with new version of Composer soon.

Apr 11, 2020


Yiiframework and vueJs

A template is created using the yii framework, which is the frontend section with Vuejs and the backhand section with yiiframework. See the README file for more information