
Mar 22, 2019


Yii 2.0.17

Yii team released version 2.0.17 that contains some bugfixes including a security fix.

No known changes that could affect existing applications were made.

Both basic and advanced applications got fixes for recent Codeception, got updated debug and gii versions to version 2.1.0. Basic application now uses swiftmailer 2.1.0.

Mar 19, 2019


Queue extension 2.2.0 released

We are very pleased to announce the release of Queue extension version 2.2.0.

The release is fixing important bugs, reduces roundtrips to beanstalk server when removing a job, marking ErrorEvent as deprecated and making job execution result being forwarded to event handler.

Full changelog is available at GitHub.

Mar 18, 2019


Bootstrap 4 extension version 2.0.1 released

We are very pleased to announce the release of Bootstrap 4 extension version 2.0.1. There are five bugs fixed found since initial release.

Mar 18, 2019


Debug extension 2.1.0 released

We are very pleased to announce the release of Debug extension version 2.1.0.

Additionally to bugfixes, there some enhancements:

  1. Module has checkAccessCallback property that you can set to a callable that returns a boolean determining if current user should be allowed to access debug.
  2. New "dump" panel was added. It collects and displays debug messages logged with Logger::LEVEL_TRACE.
  3. New version has less dependencies thanks to simialbi. It doesn't depend on bootstrap package anymore.
  4. There are small visual adjustments as well.

See the CHANGELOG for details.

Mar 18, 2019


Gii extension 2.1.0 released

We are very pleased to announce the release of Gii extension version 2.1.0.

Additionally to bugfixes, there are some enhancements in this release:

  1. New version has less dependencies thanks to simialbi. It doesn't depend on bootstrap package anymore.
  2. New option added to singularize class names in modele generator.

See the CHANGELOG for details.

Mar 18, 2019


Yii release cycle clarified

We have added a new page to website called "release cycle". Its purpose is to clarify about how long a certain framework version will be supported.

Default policy is that after current major version release previous major version has:

  • Two years of bug fixes.
  • Three years of security and PHP compatibility fixes.

For example, in case Yii 3.0 would be released today, 2.0 would receive bugfixes till March 2021 and security fixes till March 2024.

Mar 2, 2019


Fresh Yii and extension manuals in various formats

Fresh pack of manuals in various formats: CHM, PDF, webhelp, MS Word.


  • Updated according to:
  • Bootstrap=> 2.0.9
  • Auth Client => 2.1.8
  • Bootstrap 4=> 2.0.0
  • Shell => 2.0.2

Feb 28, 2019


Yii is released

Yii team released Yii fixing 2.0.16 regressions.

Feb 3, 2019


Yii development notes #26

First issue of development notes this year.

2.0.16 release, some info about Yii 3 and more interesting things.

Jan 31, 2019


Yii 2.0.16 released

Yii team released Yii 2.0.16. There are many bug fixes including security. Full announcement is on the official website.